March 26, 2024

Ali Wing - CEO of Oobli

Episode Information

About The Guest(s):

Ali Wing is the CEO of Oobli, a company that is revolutionizing the way we consume sugar. With a background in consumer commercial leadership, Ali is passionate about finding innovative solutions to tackle the global health crisis caused by excessive sugar consumption.


Ali Wing, CEO of Oobli, discusses the impact of sugar on our bodies and the rise of metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes. She explains that while sugar is a biological necessity and humans are wired to crave it, our modern food supply has made it excessively abundant, leading to health problems. Ali introduces the concept of sweet proteins, which mimic the taste of sugar but are actually proteins. Oobli uses fermentation technology to produce these sweet proteins, offering a healthier alternative to sugar. The company aims to rehabilitate existing foods by replacing sugar with sweet proteins, providing a solution to the global health crisis.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sugar is a biological necessity, but our modern food supply has made it excessively abundant, leading to metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes.
  • Sweet proteins are proteins that taste sweet and trigger the brain's sweet receptors, providing a healthier alternative to sugar.
  • Oobli uses fermentation technology to produce sweet proteins, making them more cost-effective and sustainable than traditional sugar.
  • Oobli aims to rehabilitate existing foods by replacing sugar with sweet proteins, offering a healthier option without compromising taste.


  • "Sugar is not bad, and sugar is actually a biological necessity." - Ali Wing
  • "We're facing a crisis. From a healthcare point of view, 40% of our world's population is in suboptimal health." - Ali Wing
  • "What if we could give you a healthier way to satisfy your sweet tooth that is a game-changer for your body?" - Ali Wing

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